When Your 24 Weeks Pregnant How Many Months Is That


24 Weeks Pregnant: Sexy Dreams, Strange Dreams

Dr. Harvey Karp


24 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby At 24 Weeks

Bigger and bigger—bit by bit—your baby is stretching and growing! But, she is far from being ready to be out of the oven. Babies born at 24 weeks have an improving chance of survival, now reaching about 50-50. Of course, you have a due date, but in truth, it's more like a due month—many babies stay nestled inside for a full 42 weeks!

Your little bug will now respond to bright lights, your activity and even your touch (try massaging her gently). Her hearing is improving, and she can hear your stomach growling, outside music and close conversations. But, the two things she hears the best are the rumbly sounds of the blood whooshing through the placental arteries...and your voice. In fact, your voice gets fast-tracked down to her through your lungs, and she will soon learn to move in rhythm to your speech and even recognize your voice! (BTW, that rumbly sound is exactly what calms babies and helps them sleep better—and why you'll love using white noise after she's born!)

She's getting all her oxygen from the rich blood flowing from you,though her umbilical cord, but her spongy lungs are developing tiny air sacs to get ready for absorbing oxygen from the air once she's born.

She's getting all her oxygen from the rich blood flowing from you, though her umbilical cord, but her spongy lungs are developing tiny air sacs to get ready for absorbing oxygen from the air once she's born.

Size of Baby at 24 Weeks: At 24 weeks pregnant, your baby is about the size of an ear of corn.

24 Weeks Pregnant Is How Many Months?

24 weeks pregnant is approximately 5-and-a-half months.

24 Weeks Pregnant:What to Expect

You've hit the 6-month mark! If you haven't already, you may start having very strange dreams. Around this time, many women even experience vivid sexual dreams. Experts aren't sure why, but pregnant women dream (and remember those dreams) more than non-pregnant women. Perhaps it's due to hormones or just the growing difficulties getting solid sleep. Or, you may be remembering your dreams better since they're interrupted by more night time wakings—from increasing pee visits, etc.

It's common to feel more sexually aroused during the day, too! All the extra blood flowing to your belly can cause your vagina and labia to become a bit swollen and engorged. All this can make sex even more pleasurable. Take advantage of the urge before you get to the much more "unwieldy" 3rd trimester.

Sex during pregnancy is usually safe; your baby is protected by your cervix. If you are high-risk, concerned about pre-term labor or are experiencing any pain or bleeding, talk to your doctor before engaging in sex with vaginal penetration.

A To-Do List for Your 24th Week of Pregnancy

  • Install and check your smoke detectors. Make sure all the ones in your house are working. Install more in any hallways or rooms without them.

  • Buy the basics. If you're having a baby shower, you'll get plenty of tiny clothes. But here are a few helpful items you may not get: kimono style shirts—they're easy to get on and off and allow a good air flow (don't use bodysuit onesies until the umbilical stump has healed); hats and socks (to keep your cutie warm); and little mittens (newborns are often born with long fingernails, and can scratch themselves). Make sure to wash all clothes with a gentle, unscented laundry detergent before use.

  • Start your packing list. Make a list of the things you'll need for the baby (an outfit to get the baby home in, diapers) and for yourself (favorite foods, lip balm, a warm robe, music, cozy slippers, warm sweatshirt, your pillow, extra clothes for you and your partner, flip flops for the shower, etc.). Once you have the list, you can start preparing and packing.

  • Connect with your baby. Now that she can hear you, take time to talk to your baby. Make playlists of your favorite songs and massage your stomach. Even a few minutes of bonding per day can help you feel more content!

Quote of the Week

My mom used to say it doesn't matter how many kids you have...because one kid'll take up 100% of your time, so more kids can't possibly take up more than 100% of your time.— Karen Brown

23 Weeks Pregnant | 25 Weeks Pregnant

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Disclaimer: The information on our site is NOT medical advice for any specific person or condition. It is only meant as general information. If you have any medical questions and concerns about your child or yourself, please contact your health provider.

Disclaimer: The information on our site is NOT medical advice for any specific person or condition. It is only meant as general information. If you have any medical questions and concerns about your child or yourself, please contact your health provider.

When Your 24 Weeks Pregnant How Many Months Is That

Source: https://www.happiestbaby.com/blogs/pregnancy/24-weeks-pregnant

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